Hello Wheat Family!
Welcome to the Estate Keepsake Gallery
The Estate Gallery allows family members to browse and select items from Mom & Dad’s belongings, hopefully ensuring that everyone has a fair opportunity to claim items that hold sentimental value.
How to Use the Gallery
1: Browse 👀 a Collection
2: Request items with a 🖱️ Click
3: Specify how badly you want the item ①②③ and click Request
4: Click on the basket 🧺 in the top right hand corner to view your shopping cart
5: Checkout by entering your info, Continue past the payment option, Purchase the order
Hint: Create an Account to make it simpler to return for more requests and for upcoming collections
The Rinconada Figurines Collection
The Animal Figurines collection is the first collection ready for you to peruse and choose!
This collections contains 24 items, most of which are Rinconada Collectibles. These little animals were gathered over the years, and kept him company for all the years living at Place at the Trace in Nashville. He held thoughts of making sure every family member received one, so pick a couple favorites! We’ll resolve duplicate requests.
Figurines are about 3" tall x 2" wide.
Please request items from the Figurine Collection by February 3rd
Wheat Family